“We believe that everyone should be encouraged to reach their full potential as a learner. Every student is an individual; each has the ability to be creative and successful. As a school we uphold the ideal of inclusion and seek to engage all people in this. We foster a calm and caring environment with a commitment to meeting the social, emotional and intellectual needs of all of our young people.”
All students at Penair School are entitled to an inclusive education. This is achieved through school and home working collaboratively, and open communication to respond to the student’s needs.
Students that are identified as needing additional support with their learning are added to the school’s Record of Need. This ensures that staff are aware of their barriers to learning and the provision they need to access our broad curriculum. Their progress is monitored by the class teacher, Head of Faculty, Director of Learning and by the school’s Director of Inclusion, Kate Finlay.
Students can be placed on (or taken off) of the Record of Need at any stage of their school life, and parents will be a part of this process. Most children are identified by their primary school as requiring further SEN support.
The role of the Director of Inclusion is to ensure that all students have positive learning experiences and that they have the same opportunities for success and enjoyment as all students, whatever the additional learning needs that they have.
Students on the Record of Need may simply require a slightly different approach to teaching in the classroom in order to make good progress. Teachers are advised of the strategies required to ensure each student has the best possible chance of reaching their potential. They receive training about SEND through continued professional development. In some cases, students may require additional support, such a literacy/numeracy support or social skills support. This is delivered as a targeted intervention with trained specialists, for example literacy, FitnFun or access to our ASC Champions.
If a student is still unable to make expected levels of progress, we will engage external professionals such as Educational Psychologists or the ASC Team for advice and support. It may be appropriate that some students follow a bespoke and personalised timetable with the support of outside providers.
- Services for young people with Special Educational Needs and their families can be found at
- Our School Offer can be found on our website and the Family Information Services Directory website: Family Information Service – Cornwall Council