
What is the CCF? 

The Royal Air Force Combined Cadet Force (CCF) is a Ministry of Defence (MOD) sponsored scheme with the aim of providing… 

 “A disciplined organisation in a school so that pupils may develop powers of leadership by means of training to promote the qualities of responsibility, self-reliance, resourcefulness, endurance and perseverance.”  

It is not a recruiting organisation but a significant proportion of officers in the armed forces have served in the CCF. As the CCF is sponsored by the MOD, we have access to an extensive range of training facilities used by UK regular forces personnel. 

Pupils can join our CCF section from year 8 onwards. We typically recruit in the autumn term each year, although some pupils are accepted throughout the year. 

What do we do? 

We parade every Wednesday from 3:15pm until 5:30pm. Cadets work through the CCF syllabus to gain qualifications and promotions. Typical activities include: 

Gliding & flying Weapon handling and shooting Outdoor activities (e.g. mountain biking and climbing) 
Annual camp on RAF base International camps in Cyprus, Gibraltar and Bavaria.  First aid / Heartstart training  
Mountain trips Duke of Edinburgh award and Ten-tors Remembrance Parade 
RAF competitions Drill (Marching) Online learning 

Why join? 

Our cadets are a welcoming group of pupils ranging from year 8 to year 11 although many return from college to continue with cadets. By joining, pupils develop friendships that span year groups and school populations. The huge range of activities we undertake are designed to push each individual’s boundaries, helping them to develop their confidence and leadership skills, as well as giving them new and exciting experiences. Our annual camp, which takes place during Curriculum Enrichment week, is the highlight of the year for many. As well as being a huge amount of fun, it effectively gives pupils work experience from year 8 upwards.