At Penair we believe our uniform should instil a sense of identity, pride and belonging. We want our students to be comfortable in school as well as ensuring high standards and consistency.
It is the policy of the Governors that all pupils at Penair will wear the correct school uniform. All possessions which are brought to, or left at Penair School at your own risk, they are not covered by insurance and we would advise that home contents insurance policies cover all items. This is particularly relevant to bringing portable electronic devices into school.
Our school uniform can be ordered through Keywear.
Please follow the link below:-
Pre-loved uniform is available from the Association of Parents and Friends of Penair School and they can be contacted by emailing APFPS@penair.cornwall.sch.uk.
PE Kit
Pupils are expected to bring the required minimum sports kit to all lessons. This consists of a sports top, shorts/skort and socks. Appropriate training shoes are required in order to support pupils whilst performing different sporting activities. Skate shoes are NOT permitted as these can be dangerous in wet conditions. Studded footwear is also required by all boys and only girls who opt for rugby/football clubs.
Sports kit is available to pre-order from Whirlwind Sports website Penair – Whirlwind Sports. The kit is currently being manufactured, but sample sizes are available to try on in the Truro shop. All pre-orders will be fulfilled in time for September.
Whirlwind sports
29a River Street
Tel: 01872 223224
Penair Aspire Skirt,
Trousers (Slim Fit & Wide Leg),
Atlantic Blue Shirt,
Penair School Tie,
Black Socks,
Black Tights,
Black Leather Formal Shoes,
Optional Penair V -neck Grey Jumper.
All items of uniform should be carefully marked with the student’s name.
The trousers come in a range of sizes and leg lengths to suit the varying needs of students. There is a skirt available and again this comes in differing sizes and lengths to ensure that this is available to the required knee length of 18 inches. The skirt has the school logo.
School shoes should be ALL BLACK and made from a material that is polishable. It is important that shoes are complementary of blazer and formal trousers. This style of shoe is available from many clothing shops or supermarkets.
- We WILL NOT accept any white/coloured trainers, no canvas shoes or material that is not polishable.
- ALL removable logos/tags must be removed. Coloured/white logos will NOT be allowed.