Governing Board
Name | Appointing body | Term of office |
Elizabeth Seale (Chair) | Members | 09.12.19 – 08.12.27 |
Richard Schofield | Members | 16.12.24-02.12.28 |
James Davidson (Headteacher) | Ex-Officio | – |
Robyn Trowman | Parents | 09.05.22 – 08.05.26 |
Carlos Howard | Members | 13.12.23 – 12.12.27 |
Tom Mason | Members | 16.12.24-02.12.28 |
Craig Pascoe (Joint Vice-Chair) | Members | 27.01.20 – 26.01.28 |
Sara Griffiths | Members | 04.10.21 – 03.10.25 |
Marie Kerr | Members | 30.01.23 – 29.01.27 |
Dr Shaun Pope (Joint Vice-Chair) | Parents | 08.11.21 – 07.11.25 |
Mat Spencer | Co-opted | 13.12.23 – 12.12.27 |
Chris Parham | Members | 04.12.23 – 03.12.27 |
Serving governors over the previous 12 months: | End date: | |
Andy Brigden Robert Ingram Kay Adams Marie Gendall | Members Members Co-opted Co-opted | 08.12.23 11.03.24 18.03.24 31.08.24 |
The Governing Board has three core functions:
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school,
- Holding the Headteacher to account for the school’s educational performance and the performance management of staff,
- Overseeing the school’s financial performance.
The Governing Board choose to carry out these functions by holding six full governing body meetings per year and by delegating specific duties to a committee. The Business, Audit and Risk Committee meets termly, with an additional meeting in the autumn term. All governors also carry out visits to the school, both during the school day and by attending public events.
The Business, Audit and Risk Committee lead on:
- Finance, Audit and Risk:
- Reviewing the risk register to ensure that risks are being addressed appropriately through internal scrutiny.
- Reviewing, updating and ensuring compliance with the school’s finance related policies in accordance with the policy review schedule.
- Considering internal audit reports throughout the year, monitoring progress of recommendations and reviewing the external auditor’s plan annually.
- Ensuring accuracy of funding information submitted to the DfE and ESFA.
- Regularly monitoring income and expenditure against budget, including reporting of any significant budget amendments.
- Establishing and maintaining a three-year financial plan
- Ensuring sound management of the school’s premises and planning for the future maintenance and development of the estates:
- Reviewing and planning staffing with due regard to financial aspects.
Committee members: Craig Pascoe (Chair), Elizabeth Seale, Marie Kerr, Mat Spencer.
Each governor is appointed a specific aspect of the work of the school to oversee.